Thursday, August 7, 2008

Listen, Watch, Get Involved

This summer I was recommended by a person over at the Cornell Cooperative Extension, to begin using a website, called NestWatch, in order to record data from nests I've been monitoring for two years, now. Not only is NestWatch a good opportunity to help scientists with their research, it is also simple and fun. This is how it works:
You go out to a nest, observe the contents, and record your findings online. The organized and easy to use chart will ask you questions about your findings and give a space for notes. Your job is to diligently check the nest(s) twice a week, and record your findings, and, when a nest attempt is finished, to record why you think it stopped, weather it was successful or not etc. It's that simple! Next time you find a nest, consider using NestWatch. Plus, if you have a nature journal, you can print out all the data at the end of each nest attempt! If you are not fond of going strait from the nest to the Internet, you can also print out the chart, write your observations there, on sight, before typing them online later on.

That was Get involved part of today's post. Cornell has a whole host of nature/science related topics to offer, each just as complete and amazing as the other. Their ornithology section is truly a work of genius. With a collaboration of many enthusiastic ornithologists and volunteers, Cornell Lab of Ornithology has built several amazing sights for learning about the birds you see and never see, their behaviors and their life cycles. Including a blog with up to date Cornell activity, you can't miss a check at Cornell's master site,

BirdCam-Check out the nesting process of a variety of birds
On the Master site (link given above) you can click links to eBird, All About Birds, and many other activities and learning tools to expand your knowledge and spark a stronger interest in birds. Have fun with ornithology!


lhopfan428 said...

Very interesting.

That sounds like a really smart idea, NestWatch.

BuddingAuthor said...

That's a really cool concept. I gotta check that out. :-o