Yesterday was such a clear, cool day, staying in the low seventies all day! After working all morning and well after noon, I stepped outside with my camera because to take a break. I was starteled at how fall like the air seemed. It was the type of air that is so clear that you can see miles above, miles across, and hear so well from long distances. Instantly I noticed three hawks soaring high and low, catching the wind thermals. They rested on the top of a thermal, and then swooped down, as the thermal passed by, so low I though it would land in a tree. It was such a glorious day.
I found a new nest! I have yet to identify it. It is big, and made with lots of sticks, mud and feathers, with peices of pine leaves on the bottom of the nest all mixed up with grey feathers. It is about 4 inches in diameter. It is quite empty, and rather low, in the nook of a pine tree in our back yard. After I ID it, I will take it down (in the fall, of course) and add it to my collection. So far I have a Chickadee nest, a House Sparrow Nest, and a Robin Nest.
If you all have any ideas regarding the identifcation of this new nest, please drop a comment.
It was a *stunning* day. A hawk came to our house too!!
Yes, I saw two hawks catchin' the thermals too!
Maybe that nest is a Mourning doves'. It sure sounds like it.
it's quite probable too...I'll check it out
Let us know when you figure it out. I don't really have any suggestions though...
Oh yes!!! The clear feel of the air is one of the reasons I like fall. It makes breathing pretty enjoyable... If that makes any sense.
Yeah, there was a hawk on our swing set the other day, I'm pretty sure the same day that Annie was talking about.
I was going to run and get my camera to take a picture of it, but it had flown away by the time I had gotten it.
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