Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Midsummer Ramblings

It seems just a little while ago that exciting, new and strange, repIaced all I knew—or once thought I knew. The day I left my home for college was the day I put my younger self in a little box for safe keeping, and took what they call an adult out of a drawer where it had been hiding—or I had hidden it—and tried it on. It didnt fit well. It was too loose there, too tight here, WAY too baggy on that side and just looked funky in the mirror, as I looked at myself that first night, looked a stranger in the eye. Who am I? Who was I? Who will I become?

Maine is a beautiful state. Purple mist straggles behind as wild trees keep it tangled in their branches for an extra photographic moment each morning. Monday mornings bring frost, because I stumble out of bed early enough to see it. Looking down into the Kenebec Valley from the very top of Mayflower Hill, on the library steps (a view I saw for the first time on the tour more than a year ago) I think of why I am here. College, I have come to see, is most importantly a time and place set aside to learn about yourself. Who are you, whom do you want to become? What are your aspirations, your passions, your needs and your joys. Though all of these things haven't changed in name (I still want to be a scientist, I love animals, I want to raise a family) they do change in quality as I grow and learn.

Since that first day, I had grown inside tremendously, not changing who I am but, learning more so as to be wiser than before, and in this way, I am different in how I approach each problem and each joy alike, in my life.  I look forward to the coming years.

These are just some ramblings which flow from mind to paper as I take time to reflect back on my first year of college.

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