Saturday, June 26, 2010

Hello From Cornell!

Hello everybody!

Well, right now I am at Cornell University. I am doing a three week Veterinary Medicine Program. It is really cool, because I am actually experiencing what college life is like. I am in a dorm, (Mary Donalan Hall, to be specific), with a roommate named Angela, and taking a college course! I can't wait for Classes to start on Monday. We just had an ice cream spree, with ice cream that is made here from the cows. It was very delicious. The only thing is that I felt supremely awkward with a bunch of boisterous teenage boys lumbering by, their heads twelve feet above mine, and tight clumps of chit-chatty girls blocking the exit and the that I was caught between, being shoved about and utterly ignored. But...some life-long-freind-to-be is sure to come into my sometime between now and three weeks from now, so I am not worried...yet. All in all, this is a big and intimidating's ACTUALLY college...and I'm just a small highschooller...and i am, in my dorm, with my roommate sleeping, and me writing. I wish my roommate would be more sociable. But, that's what tommorow's for, I suppose. I'll keep writing about my experiences here, and I hope to post some pictures as well. THough...I have now idea whatsoever how busy I will be until I actually start with the classes, so, I will try.

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