Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I do not know where to begin. It has been more than 130 days since my last post. Although that may not sound like so many, wait 'till you hear all the things that have happened to me since then. I have done so much, and so much has happened to me in those few months that if I actually sit down and think about it, I think my head would start spinning, and not stop spinning until next October. Since my last post,
  1. I have finished my first year at Sacred Heart
  2. grew another half shoe size
  3. gotten a puppy
  4. gotten my own bedroom after having shared one all my life, woohoooo!
  5. become an honors piano student
  6. made at least 20 new friends
  7. gotten a bunny rabbit (Benjamin Bunny)
  8. gotten my learners permit and am 3 weeks away from my license
  9. sprained my anckle 2 less times than I would normally
  10. stopped doing crew (so that I can now be in the Respect for Life club at school, take up another elective, web design, participate in orchestra, and schola)
  11. figured out a balance between homework and puppy time
  12. been so busy with Rhetorical analysis for Lit that I have let a cake burn for a good half hour
  13. Become an irreversable Bio freak
  14. Making a website for school
  15. Gotten a Camera for my microscope

  16. Gone to Italy
  17. Come back again
  18. entered my second year in Sacred Heart
  19. Become a Junior
  20. Decided that class rings were ugly and expensive, so did not get one
  21. Am no longer daunted by Upperclassmen, because I am one
  22. Have two little sisters (my own, and the one they gave me at school throught big-and-little-sister's program) Both my little sisters are taller than me...hmmm.....
  23. Learned that "House" is the name of a TV show, and that is the Name of the guy who is some sort of crazy doctor in the show, but have no idea about anything other than that
  24. Decided that it is not worth trying to understand why I am given a trimest test question that says "Is it moral to cheat on a test? Why or why not?"
  25. Cannot fathom how the Planned Parenthood corporation can be advocating for Catholics to take their "pro-choice" stand and sign a petition to allow a bill to be passed that says that their company can be founded by our tax dollars

Each of these 25 things are huge changes in my life. If 25 big things happened in just 3 months, at that rate, 100 New, big changes will have bombarded me within the next 9 months. Woah...Wow....


Unknown said...

It's great to have you back to the blog!!

Great post, btw. :-D

I love the "went to italy" then the next number is "came back again."

Sometimes I wish we didn't have to leave...

BuddingAuthor said...

Awesome post!!
Your puppy is absolutely beautiful. I want to steal him for a couple weeks!? <3
I am infuriated too (#25)