I have a Few New critters!
Two Small fish, only about an inch long. They are meant to be fed to bigger fish, but They are so small and nice looking, that I bought two and put in my "Pond". They are very happy, and of course they're favorite time of day is feeding time!
2 Giant African Millipedes. They are still babies. Not even the length of a pencil. They will reach about a foot in length. But they grow quite slowly. They eat fresh vegies, cucumubers are their favorites.
This is the tank that Cornelius my cornsnake lives in. He loves to burrown under the moss and plants and tunnel under where it is moist and warm.. Right now he is boycotting his house. I had to put a new one in, and is bigger than his old one. The old one got moldy. The plants in the tank are doing so well, that I recently had to trim them because they were getting to big!